Πολιτιστικό Μαρξιστικό Αστυνομικό Κράτος: Στρατόπεδα Συγκέντρωσης Με Θαλάμους Αερίων Σε Μορφή Σπιτιών Για Αποπληθυσμό ~ Cultural Marxist Police State: Concentration Camps With Gas Chambers In The Form Of Houses For Depopulation…! (Video + Photo)

People who are made homeless, such as those on Maui, and where they will house them and moreover people who “infected” by a virus or refuse to be vaccinated will be forced to stay in therse concentration camps, where such buildings are going up all over the world. 

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[Απάτη Κορονοϊού / COVID-19 Hoax] Η Νέα Κανονικότητα ~ The New Normal…! [Documentary / Ντοκυμαντέρ] (Video)