Ο Πολιτιστικός Μαρξιστής Εβραίος Σιωνιστής Τζόρνταν Πήτερσον, Αποδομήθηκε ~ Cultural Marxist Zionist Jew Jordan Peterson Dismantled…! (Videos + Audio + Photo)

The first video exposing the cultural marxixt fraud named Jordan Peterson…

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Δρ. Πάτρικ Σλάτερυ Και Δρ. Άντριου Τζόυς – Η Σιωνιστική Εβραϊκή Κατάληψη Της Ακαδημίας ~ Dr. Patrick Slattery And Professor Dr. Andrew Joyce – The Zionist Jewish Take Over Of Academia…! (Video)

Dr. Patrick Slattery and Professor Andrew Joyce talk about the Jewish take over of Academia. They discuss the example of Elana Kagan as a case study in Jewish privilege when she was Dean of Harvard Law School and then move on to numerous examples of Jewish invention of the field of “whiteness studies.”