Καλύπτοντας Την Δίκη Ολοκαυτώματος Της Μόνικα Σέιφερ Και Του Άλφρεντ Σέιφερ Στην Γερμανία ~ Covering The Monika Schaefer And Alfred Schaefer Holocaust Trial In Germany…! (Videos + Photo)


July 2, 2018 was the beginning of the trial in Germany of Monika and her brother Alfred Schaefer for Holocaust denial.

RBN — Deanna Spingola Interviews Brian Ruhe…! [Saturday, 2/28/2015] (Audio)

Deanna talks about World War Two, reading some excerpts from one of her books during the first hour and was then joined by Brian Ruhe for two hours to talk aboutThe Truth and Justice for Germans Society.


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Μπράιαν Ρούε: Αδόλφος Χίτλερ, Εθνικοσοσιαλιστική Γερμανία Και Αναθεωρητική Ιστορία — Brian Ruhe: Adolf Hitler, National Socialist Germany And Revisionist History…! (Videos)

We do not agree with everything is said in the videos below, but in any case have big interest and therefore worth to watch it …