[Απάτη Κορονοϊού / COVID-19 Hoax] ΗΠΑ: Διαρεύσασα Επίσημη Βάση Δεδομένων Δείχνει Ότι Οι Ασθένειες Στον Αμερικανικό Στρατό Εκτοξεύθηκαν Στα Ύψη Μετά Τους Εμβολιασμούς Για Κορονοϊό ~ USA: Leaked Official Database Shows U.S. Military Disease Skyrocketing After COVID-19 Vaccinations…! (Videos)

A viral video compiled using the military’s own Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows vaccine-induced side effects within the DOD’s own ranks, including cancers and miscarriages, have skyrocketed. In the second video, information from the database was referenced by attorney Thomas Renz at a panel discussion held by Sen. Ron Johnson.

[Απάτη Κορονοϊού / COVID-19 Hoax] ΗΠΑ: 45.000 Επιβεβαιωμένοι Νεκροί Από Τα Εμβόλια Κορονοϊού Μέσα Σε Τρεις Ημέρες ~ USA: 45,000 Confirmed Deaths From COVID-19 Vaccines Within Three Days…! (Videos)

45,000 people have died from the Covid-19 vaccines within three days, according to a US whistle-blower, which has sparked a lawsuit against the federal government.
