France – The Fire At Notre Dame Cathedral In Paris Is A Zionist False Flag Operation…! (Videos + Photos)

Obviously, MOSSAD is behind the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris…

“We have entered the final phase of the redemption of Israel and of all humanity and it is truly regrettable to see some of our Jewish brothers saddened by this Notre Dame fire when this building represents in all its strength the exile of Israel and the will to replace us.”

Notre Dame and the Jews – Israel National News

One rabbi says that the Notre Dame fire may be retribution for 13th-century Talmud (Jewish book) burnings.

“No work on the Notre Dame roof frame had begun when the fire broke out”.

“The scaffolding was under construction, to be ‘delivered in mid-July’ and ‘no work on the frame had yet begun.'”

Pas de soudure ni de point chaud: l’entreprise qui restaurait Notre …

Henry Makow‏ @HenryMakow

“The fire protection set up in the cathedral was at its highest level” 

“The fire could not start from a short circuit, from a single incident. 

“It takes a real heat load at the start to launch such a disaster. 

“Oak is a particularly hard wood. “

Notre-Dame – Un expert de la construction : “Il faut une vraie charge …

Brabantian comments:The Daily Mail described a bizarre delay in Paris firefighters taking action, at first ‘unable to find the fire’ …

Hint of a 9-11-style stand-down:

“Paris public prosecutor Rémy Heitz announced on Tuesday that firefighters were called to the  cathedral at 6.20pm CET, almost half an hour before the roof caught fire after a fire alarm was triggered.

“But after an initial inspection they said they were unable to find any evidence of fire.

“Firefighters remained inside Notre Dame until a second alarm went off at 6.43pm and eventually discovered a fire in the network of wooden beams under the cathedral’s roof – but were unable to put it out.”

Firefighters ‘could not find fire’ at Notre Dame 23 minutes before blaze

Spooky Jean-Marc Fournier

Jean-Marc Fournier is a French priest who helped the wounded in the Bataclan terror attack on Paris.

“He survived an ambush in Afghanistan.

“He also emerged as a hero of the Notre Dame fire.

“Jean-Marc Fournier, chaplain of the Paris Fire Brigade, rushed straight for the relics housed in the cathedral to rescue the the Blessed Sacrament and the Crown of Thorns relics from the blazing building on Monday night…”Four years ago he also comforted the wounded after the worst terrorist attack on Paris this century when 89 people were massacred at the Eagles of Death Metal concert in 2015.”

Fire chaplain who helped Bataclan victims entered burning Notre …


These French churches have been attacked in recent months.

What the Media, Officials Wouldn’t Reveal During the Notre Dame Cathedral Fire

Some Israelis attack churches.

A group said to be secretly working for the CIA and Mossad ( ISIS affiliated Al-Muntasir ) is reported to have produced the poster above which praises the attack on Notre Dame.

Lily Gaubert (centre) whose photo was used to represent Sandy Hook ‘victim’ Allison Wyatt

The security services control all the terrorists, reportedly.



Jewish attacks on churches. The writing is in Hebrew. 

 Rabbi Ben-Zion Gopstein has supported the burning of churches.

Rabbi Bentzi Gopstein: “All Churches must be destroyed.

Notre Dame spire and Pet Goat II video.

‘In Pet Goat II, an animated video made in 2013, the anti-Christ, replete with Illuminism occult symbology on his forehead, is seen standing before a cathedral with collapsing spires.

‘The Pet Goat representation is a dead ringer for Notre Dame’s spire falling.

‘Notice at minute 00:06:00 that the Crown of Thorns relic (kept in Notre Dame) fades from Christ’s head as the cathedral begins to crumble.’

Is the Burning of Notre Dame a Mega-Ritual? | Winter Watch

‘Starting April 15, the day of the Notre Dame fire, we are entering the “Ides” of April.

‘The period is  noted for occult by fire.

A post was made the day before the disaster at r/conspiracy that discusses this occult time frame.’

Is the Burning of Notre Dame a Mega-Ritual? | Winter Watch.

At the same time Notre Dame was burning, the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem had a fire.

Trump was visiting the town of Burnsville while Notre Dame burned.

“The fire started in the attic of Notre Dame Cathedral at around 18:50 local time in Paris.

“A spokesman for the Cathedral reported that they had practised a fire drill just days before.”

What we know about the damage done to Notre-Dame 

Economist – 2017.

“875 French churches were vandalized in 2018.

“The Notre Dame Cathedral fire, on Monday 15 April 2019, was the most recent blow.”


“The burning of Notre Dame, is exactly one month after the 15 March 2019 ‘Christchurch New Zealand mosque massacre'”

Henry Makow‏ @HenryMakowNotre Dame and al-Aqsa – Mossad did both?

TIME columnist Christopher J. Hale tweeted, ‘A Jesuit friend in Paris who works in #NotreDame told me cathedral staff said the fire was intentionally set.’

‘The Saint Sulpice church in Paris was deliberately set on fire earlier this year, although media reports downplayed the story.’

Thugs set fire to churches and smear poo on walls amid warnings …


The CIA’s Robert Steele claims that NASA runs a secret child slave colony on Mars [3]

Richie Allen asked Robert Steele if he thought that Donald Trump was a Zionist’s wet dream.Robert replied ‘no’.

Robert David Steele is a fake.

Steele gives conspiracy theorists a bit of the truth and then feeds in disinformation.

Beware of the CIA’s Robert Steele.


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