Τεξ Μαρς – Οι Χειρότεροι Μαζικοί Δολοφόνοι Και Επαναστάτες Των Τελευταίων 2000 Ετών ~ Texe Marrs – The Worst Mass Murderers And Revolutionaries Of The Past 2000 Years…! (Audio)

Worst Mass MurderersA Special Report – 10/30/2015. They have earned reputations as psychopaths and madmen. They have no consciences and have tortured and murdered thousands, even millions. Texe Marrs examines these vastly evil men and reveals the common characteristic of each monster: Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Torquemada, Morgenthau, Roosevelt, Churchill, Sharon, Rabin, and more…

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