Η Ιστορία Του Εβραϊκού Ελέγχου Επί Της Νοτιοαφρικανικής Βιομηχανίας Διαμαντιών ~ The History Of Jewish Control On The South African Diamond Industry…! (Photo)


– De Beers’ operations account for 94 per cent of South Africa’s diamond output.
– De Beers’ entire production of diamonds in 1800 was sold by 10 firms all being Jewish to Rothschild. Today, the De Beers Group of Companies belongs to Rothschil Family.
– De Beers also created the concept of ‘blood’ diamonds, fearful that diamonds coming out of the war-torn areas of West Africa would flood the market and undermine their global market control.
– Israel remains the world’s leading exporter of diamonds with a South African origin, with two-thirds of its stones finding their way to the United States.

By Trevor H.  Johannes,

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