Ουκρανία: Εθνικιστές Συγκρούονται Με Την Αστυνομία Στο Κίεβο Σε Διαμαρτυρία Εναντίον Της Διαφθοράς ~ Ukraine: Nationalists Clash With Police At Kiev Protest Against Corruption…! (Videos)

Supporters of the Ukrainian nationalist party National Corps held a protest in Kiev on Saturday, decrying government corruption and calling for the removal of the country’s president Petro Poroshenko. “Poroshenko has come to create an absolutely unique system – every third hryvnia [national currency of Ukraine] that was given for the Ukrainian defence remains in the pocket of corrupt officials,” said National Corps leader Andriy Biletsky, while addressing the crowd in Kiev’s Independence Square.

Ουκρανία: Κίεβο – Μεγαλειώδης Μαζική Εθνικιστική Πορεία Και Συγκέντρωση Για Την “Ημέρα Υπερασπιστή Της Ουκρανίας” ~ Ukraine: Kiev – Great Massive Nationalist March For “Defender of Ukraine Day” ~ Марш Нації: як це було…! (Video)

Huge Nationalist march in which participated thousands of d people, including armed services personnel of Azov Regiment and families with young children took part in Kiev for “Defender of Ukraine Day” .

Ουκρανία: Το Πρώτο Συνέδριο Του Κόμματος “Εθνικό Σώμα” ~ Ukraine: The First Congress Of The Party “National Body” ~ Україна: Перший з’їзд політичної партії «Національний корпус»…! (Video)
