ΗΠΑ: 17χρονος Αμερικανός Ήρωας, Κάιλ Ρίτενχαους – Όλη Η Αλήθεια Σε 11 Λεπτά ~ USA: 17 Years Old American Hero, Kyle Rittenhouse – The Whole Truth in 11 Minutes…! (Video)

Here is a clip on the cold facts on Kyle Rittenhouse. Note that Youtube has put it in a special state. Presumably because it shows his justification for shooting the armed ANTIFA and BLM terrorists who were attacking him at the time.

ΗΠΑ: Ουισκόνσιν – Η Αστυνομία Της Κενόσα Πυροβολεί Τον Τζέικομπ Μπλέικ Και Ένας Νέος Γύρος Ταραχών Αρχίζει ~ USA: Wisconsin – Kenosha Police Shooting Jacob Blake And A New Round Of Riots Starts…! (Videos + Photo)

We have another police situation, now from Kenosha, Wisconsin, where the recurring psyop themes of police yokelism is combined with black moronic behavior to bring about a bad outcome. And where — outside of cartoon world — is it necessary to empty one’s weapon of seven shots? Why didn’t the police grab or tackle Jacob Blake? Blake is walking to his car, but the police have lead feet.

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