ΗΠΑ: Γυναίκα Διαμαρτύρεται, Όταν Ένας Τρανσέξουαλ Άνδρας Στον Γυναικείο Τομέα Ενός Spa Του Λος Άντζελες Τριγυρνά Με Το Πέος Έξω Μπροστά Σε Ανήλικα Παιδιά…, Αλλά Οι Πολιτιστικοί Μαρξιστές Επιμένουν Ότι Αυτός Είναι Γυναίκα ~ USA: Woman Protests When A Transgender Man In Women’s Section Of LA Spa Walks Around With His Penis Out In Front Of Minors…, But Cultural Marxists Insist That He iS Female…! (Videos + Photo)

As a result antifa moblized very quickly… in order to make absolute sure the average person is terrified of saying or doing anything that might preserve classical civilization and any of its values, if the aggressor uses any of the magic words of neo-Marxism. This effectively makes communism the law and makes individual rights and our own cultural norms illegal. Watch below the relevant video, where antifa’ thugs bullying latino couple…

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