ΗΠΑ: Ουισκόνσιν – Αυτός Ο 17χρονος Νεαρός Είναι Ένας Εθελοντής Φρουρός, Ένας Λευκός Ρατσιστής Ή Απλά Ένας Λευκός Που Υπερασπίζεται Τον Εαυτό Του Από Έναν Εγκληματικό Όχλο BLM; ~ USA: Wisconsin – Is This 17 Year Old Youth A Vigilante, A White Supremacist Or Just Defending Himself From A Criminal BLM Mob…? (Video)

“Raw Footage that I recorded from Twitter. We have been watching racial tensions spread in the USA and last night it hit a boiling point in Sleepy, Wisconsin. When I posted this video on my other channel I said to watch the Headlines on Wednesday and if they say “White Supremacist” shoots up peaceful BLM protest… then it is Game On. They call Wisconsin a Battleground State for a reason. It is happening before our eyes. This morning the local Sheriff said that a ‘vigilante group’ took to the streets last night and caused the violence. This morning David Bowen Wisconsin State Representative told CNN that the “Vigilante Group” were indeed “White Supremacists”.”

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