Ο Αντιπρόεδρος Των ΗΠΑ Απειλεί Την Κίνα Με “Εξ Ολοκλήρου Ψυχρό Πόλεμο”~ US Vice President Threatens China With “All-Out Cold War”…! (Photo)

Relations between Beijing and Washington deteriorated in late May when US President Donald Trump announced that $50 billion worth of Chinese goods would be subject to 25 percent tariffs in a bid to fix the US trade deficit with China. Since then, the two countries have exchanged several rounds of hefty trade duties.

If China fails to “fundamentally change its behaviour”, it will face all-out cold war with Washington and its partners, US Vice President Mike Pence told The Washington Post. The remarks came ahead of the upcoming meeting between US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping at a Group of 20 summit slated for November 30.

“Trump is leaving the door open for a deal with Xi Jinping in Argentina, but only if Beijing is willing to make massive changes that the United States is demanding in its economic, military and political activities. This is China’s best (if not last) chance to avoid a cold-war scenario with the United States,” Pence underscored.


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