ΗΠΑ: Οικονομικός Αρμαγεδών Και Η Λύση Αναστροφής Μέσα Από Το Πνεύμα Κοινότητας ~ USA: Financial Catastrophic Armageddon And The Anastrophe Solution Through Community Spirit…! (Video + Photo)

Are we responsible for what a financial crisis will do to us and the rest of the world for that matter?

Andrew Jackson, fought back at the international gangsters, he never gave up, and it was the first and last time the US rid itself from debt. Why haven’t the rest followed his footsteps?

WE ARE THE PEOPLE and together we have much more strength than all this evil together. So why not use it? James Corbett says it right: “The real wealth comes from community …” We must come together as a strong community where we can rely on each other and put a stop to this external evil pressure.

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