Το Γερμανικό Τηλεοπτικό Κανάλι Klagemauer TV Αναφέρεται Στην “Αόρατη Κυβέρνηση” Της Αμερικής Και Στο Τρίτο Ράιχ Στους Παγκόσμιους Πολέμους — Germany’s Klagemauer TV Reports On America’s “Invisible Government” And Their Role In The World Wars — Die unsichtbare Regierung Der USA…! (Video + Photo)

Earlier this year I stumbled upon some YouTube videos from a German news source called “Klagemauer TV” which offers alternative news reports and views on current events primarily in the German language, but also often with translations in a variety of languages. I found them quite good, but generally within the normal realm of topics covered by the alternative media concerning such topics as Geo-politics, finance, vaccines, chemtrails, etc. Recently, however, I again came across several more of their reports that really caught my attention and wish to share with my audience.

Klagemauer TV has begun to distinguish themselves from the rest of the alternative media, both in Germany and abroad, by occasionally delving into the topics nearest to my heart, from an honest German perspective, rather the normal regurgitated pack of lies, written by the victorious ALL LIES, and parroted in unison by both the MSM and alternative media. They have now stepped into the “Verboten Zone” in the FRG/BRD, questioning the blame for the war and the real reasons for it. This is quite remarkable for a number of reasons, but I think particularly as it is coming from the younger generation of Germans, using modern technology in a very classy news format, almost indistinguishable from the MSM broadcasts, except that they are asking legitimate questions and presenting facts which contradict the victor’s version of history.  Also, this is not coming from stereotypical tattoo covered white male “skinheads” and black clad “Neo-Nazis” extremists that the media likes to portray.

This video was published on December 4th, 2014 and is entitled “Die unsichtbare Regierung der USA” (The Invisible Government of the USA). While only about 3 minutes in length, it goes well beyond what the title suggests, delving rapidly into some critical facts concerning Germany and both World War I and II, and the reasons or agendas behind those wars.

Congratulations to the presenter and those behind the scenes who wrote and produced this. Germans are waking up and speaking out! I will be posting another recent video and with English translation later which deals more specifically with World War II.
One Dollar

NOTE: Cause the above video is entirely in German with no English subtitles or overdubs. below is translated the text for you.

TRANSLATION: “And now, Dear Viewers, we continue with our program from Heidelberg with the story of ‘The Invisible Government of the USA’.

Just as Otto von Bismark was finally able to unite the Germans again, the German Empire and also the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, suddenly became the thorn in the eye of the British world powers. Britain feared Germany’s growing prosperity. The economic competitor was then cleared away by fomenting the First World War. The imposed Dictates of Versailles sought to eliminate the German competition forever. Germany’s territory and gold were stolen. Because of the alleged war guilt, crippling debts were imposed on the empire. Germany had to borrow money at outrageous interest rates from the private World Bank just to exist.

Over the next 20 years, through inflation, our Fatherland was plunged into the darkest period of our modern history. Winston Churchill in 1933 stated:

“If Germany does not return to the gold standard there will be another war in five years, regardless of who fires the first shot”.

Because of Churchill’s evil plot against Europe, Germany lost the Second World War and Great Britain had lost her Empire.  Germany was reduced to rubble, more German territory was stolen and then our remaining land was divided in East and West.  All German technology and patents were stolen.  Thanks only to the Bolshevik threat, Germany was tolerated as an American satellite. The German spirit of self-sacrifice was then bound by the chains of materialism and multiculturalism.

Through the intrigues of Franklin D Roosevelt, America became the New World Power. Who really rules the American people and its government became clear before World War I. In order to alleviate the downward economic cycle and financial difficulties, the private world banks, through their gold and cash reserves, convinced the government of President Wilson to establish the Federal Reserve Board. In return, the Federal Reserve was initially only involved as a consultant in the financial and economic matters of the government.

Thus, the door was opened, and over time, through their political whores, and both real and created economic crises, wars, etc, the Federal Reserve became the “Invisible Government” of the United States. The interests of the people were replaced by the greed of the World Bank and of their various corporate bodies. America has sold his soul to the devil, and thus, lost any right to call itself a ‘democracy’

In closing, dear viewers, I leave you with a very fitting quote from Major General J.F. Charles Fuller:

“It was not the political goals of Hitler that brought us to war. It was his success in building a new financial system. The roots of this war lie in greed, jealousy and fear.”


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