“Εκρηκτικό Δελτίο – Αρτ TV” – Στέφανος Χίος…! [3/1/2020] (Video)

Ιράκ: Αμερικανοί Πεζοναύτες Φθάνουν Στην Πρεσβεία Των ΗΠΑ Στη Βαγδάτη ~ Iraq: US Marines Arrive At The U.S. Embassy In Baghdad…! (Video)

Forward Looking Infrared video (FLIR) shows U.S. Marines landing in MV-22B Osprey aircraft at the U.S. Embassy compound in Iraq as a crisis response force to protect it from protesters during heightened tensions on December 31, 2019. Approximately 100 Marines were deployed to protect the U. S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq after protesters stormed the embassy gates trying to get inside the perimeter. The protests are in response to U.S. airstrikes on Iranian backed militia groups and the killing of Qasem Soleimani. The U.S. airstrikes were a response to earlier rocket attacks by the militia groups which killed an American contractor and injured several U.S. service members.

Νεκρός O Σολεϊμανί Aπό Eπίθεση Tων ΗΠΑ: Για “Eπικίνδυνη Kλιμάκωση” Kάνει Λόγο Ο ΥΠΕΞ Του Ιράν…! (Photo)

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