Wolf Rüdiger Hess: The Life And Death Of My Father, Rudolf Hess


The Life And Death of My Father, Rudolf Hess


By Wolf Rüdiger Hess

  • Presented by videotape at the Eleventh IHR Conference, 1992.

When my father flew to Scotland on May 10, 1941, I was three-and-a-half years old. As a result, I have only very few personal memories of him in freedom. One of them is a memory of him pulling me out of the garden pond. On another occasion, when I was screaming because a bat had somehow gotten into the house. I can still recall his comforting voice as he carried it to the window and released it into the night.

In the years that followed, I learned who my father was, and about his role in history, only bit by bit. Slowly, I came to understand the martyrdom he urged as a prisoner in the Allied Military Prison in Berlin-Spandau for 40 long years — half a life-time.

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