Πολωνία: Επίσημη Πρόσκληση Συμμετοχής Στην Εθνικιστική Πορεία Ανεξαρτησίας 2017 ~ Poland: Official invitation For The Nationalist March Of Independence 2017 ~ Polska: Oficjalne Zaproszenie Na nacjonalistyczna Marsz Niepodległości 2017…! (Video)

Πολωνία: Εθνικιστική Πορεία Στην Βαρσοβία ~ Poland: Nationalist March In Warsaw…! (Video)

Around 2,000 nationalists marched through Warsaw, Wednesday, to commemorate Poland’s post-World War II anti-communist fighters, known as the ‘Cursed Soldiers.’

Τυχαία Επανένωση Εβραϊκής Οικογένειας Στο Γιαντ Βασέμ ~ Accidental Reunion Of Jewish Family At Yad Vashem…! (Photo)


List of Holocaust victims includes people only presumed dead

By Hadding Scott

The Israeli Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, compiles information about alleged victims of the Holocaust, with the obvious intention of documenting the extent of mass-murder against the Jews, but with the paradoxical result that some people believed killed in the Holocaust turn out not to have been killed. Such an instance came to light this week.

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