Αγγλία: Τα Βρετανικά ΜΜΕ, Συγκαλύπτουν Πολυπολιτιστικές Σχολικές Ταραχές ~ England: British Media Covers Up Multicultural School Riots…! (Video + Photo)

This riot in a “British” school made it to the newspapers a few days ago. I instantly suspected diversity. These kinds of mass riot are not normal and suggest the group cohesion instincts diverse people specialise in but we Europeans unfortunately lack.

Of course, there was no mention of diversity in the various news stories reporting the incident.

Looking at the videos, some Muslims were apparent, but there were more white-looking people than I would have thought. The images were blurry. It was hard to make out detail.

Upon investigation, these “white children” turn out to be Roma. The school is one of the few that are majority gypo.

76.6% of pupils at this school do not speak English as their first language. (link)

The school demographics are as follows:

White British: 5 (1.4%)

White Other: 10 (2.9%)

Gypsy/Roma: 248 (71.3%)

White/Asian Mixed: 3 (0.9%)

Other mixed: 5…


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