Πώς Να Αντιμετωπίσεις Το Επιχείρημα, Ότι Εμείς Οι Λευκοί Δεν Έχουμε Κανένα Δικαίωμα Στις ΗΠΑ Ή Εκτός Ευρώπης Ή Ακόμα Και Στην Ίδια Την Ευρώπη; ~ How To Counter The Argument That We Whites Have No Right To USA Or Other Countries Outside Of Europe Or Even Europe Itself…? (Photos)


I recently talked to an American who was concerned about the ongoing program of White genocide in the Western World, who had difficulties speaking up against the mass immigration policies in his country. What was holding him back was the fact that America is considered to be the homeland of Native American Indians and not us Whites. And he felt that it would be much easier for Europeans to be speak up and take action against these policies because Europe historically belongs to us Whites.

This is a common conception expressed by pro-Whites, not only in America but also in other White majority countries outside of Europe.

It might feel easier for us in Europe to be against us becoming a minority in our own countries because Europe has historically been considered White, but this is irrelevant to the anti-White mentality which we are up against. The anti-White mindset says that Whites must go – no matter where. It aims forWhite genocide and consequently makes up justifications for mass non-White immigration into White majority countries.

As mentioned, in America one common anti-White justification is that America was not White to begin with, so Whites have no right to it. If this was reality it would imply that Germany, for example, could remain White, as it is natively White. But in Germany the justification is that Germany has a dark past with Nazism, and therefore they are forced to accept mass immigration into their country and the fact that they are becoming a minority.

The Netherlands did not take the land away from any native population, nor did they support Hitler. But this country still has to have mass immigration. One justification for this is that they had colonies hundreds of years ago.

And if we take a look at Iceland, we can see the same pressure of having open borders – why is that? They did not take the land away from any native population, they did not support Hitler, they did not have colonies. The justification given here is that Iceland has a high standard of living and an aging population.

In contrast to this, let us compare this to Japan. Japan was allied with Hitler, Japan had colonies and Japan has an aging population and a high standard of living. To boot, the people now living in Japan are not even the native population of the island. The people we now know as “Japanese” conquered it from the Ainu-people long ago. But despite all of this, Japan has not been forced to accept mass Third World immigration they way Germany, France or Sweden has been. Why is that? The reason is that the anti-White mindset is in fact anti-White. It is not anti-Asian.

The Ainu people are the indiginous people of Japan, but no one would argue today that Japan does not belong to the Japanese.

One important thing to take notice of here is that if you just listen to one of the anti-White arguments without comparing it it might sound legit, such as USA cannot be allowed to be White because it was non-White before the Europeans got there, but if you actually start to compare it like we did above you will see that these arguments are just justifications for more non-stop immigration into all White countries.

Anti-Whites just invents plausible excuses for more non-stop Third World immigration into White countries. We, however, do not agree that one genocide justifies another.

How to counter this?

The way to break through this is to compare and point out their contradictions, like we did above. You have to point out the fact that nobody who says that Whites have no right to the USA/Australia etc. because they took the land away from a native population, would argue that Germany, or any other native White country, has the right to remain White because they did not take the land away from any native population.

In addition to pointing out the contradiction of their statement we also need to point out their intention, which is justifying White genocide with the means of non-stop Third World immigration into all and only White countries. Use the SCI-module below as a guide:

Statement: Whites have no right to the USA (or any White country outside of Europe) because it was not White to begin with.

Contradiction: One genocide does not justify another.

Every people have conquered another nation sometime in history. But that does not justify harming that nation today. No one who says these statements would argue that Europe could remain White because it was White to begin with.

Intention: Wants to justify more mass immigration from the Third World into every predominately White country.

Since they always argue for something that leads to more immigration into White countries we see their intention shining through. They do not care whether the country has had colonies or not, has been allied with Hitler or not, or has taken the land away from a native population or not. As long as it is a White majority country, anti-Whites want the country to open its borders to mass immigration and invent plausible arguments which will favour such policies.


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