Μαρκ Γουέμπερ: Η Πολιτική Δημόσιας Υγείας Στην Γερμανία Του Τρίτου Ράιχ ~ Mark Weber: Public Health Policy In Third Reich’s Germany…! (Audio)

Third Reich Germany was a world leader in public health policy and medical research. The regime’s “war on cancer,” for example, was the most vigorous anywhere, and included restrictions on the use of asbestos, bans on carcinogenic pesticides and food dyes, and restrictions on public smoking and cigarette advertising. Years ahead of their colleagues in the US, Third Reich researchers were the first to prove definitively that smoking was the major cause of lung cancer. Hitler’s Germany was also a pioneer in promoting healthier and better quality foods, environmentalism, holistic medicine, animal welfare, and healthier living generally.


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