Η Μοσάντ Πίσω Από Την Βάναυση Επίθεση Της Χαμάς Εναντίον Του Ισραήλ ~ MOSSAD Behind Hamas Brutal Attack Against Israel…! (Videos + Photos)

Just as in 1973 MOSSAD knew well in advance that the neighboring Arab states are going to attack Israel, so and now MOSSAD and the Israeli government knew well in advance that Hamas was preparing to attack Israel.

However, the criminal zionist government of Israel, allowed this extremely bloody attack by a tiny Hamas group to take place… in order the Israeli regional military superpower to have the necessary propaganda narrative to proceed to a more massive genocidal war especially against the civilian Palestinian population in Gaza and not only.

In the long distant future this tragedy will be consedered as one of the most succeful DECEPTION operation of the long bloody criminal history of MOSSAD.

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