“The Roundup” – Martinez And Howe, 02/09/2023…! (Audio + Photo)

Nowdays, extreme “Right” claim that classical Marxism and Cultural Marxism have nothing to do with each other.

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Ο Εβραίος Σιωνιστής Σατανιστής Ίλον Μασκ Είναι Ένας Μεγάλος Απατεώνας ~ Zionist Satanist Jew Elon Musk Is A Big Fraud…! (Video + Photos)

Greg Abbott and Elon Musk showing the Hook 'em Horns hand sign

[Απάτη Κλιματικής Αλλαγής / Climate Change Hoax] Πλανήτης Των Ανθρώπων ~ Planet Of Humans…! [Documentary / Ντοκυμαντέρ, Full Movie] (Videos)

The documentary film, “Planet of the Humans”, has been banned by YouTube. It is a 2019 shocking but truthful documentary that MUST be seen by everybody… The use of the so-called “green renewable energy resources”, leads our planet to absolute destruction… and finally to the certain extinction not only of humans but also of the entire animal and natural kingdom on earth! All this evil plan is promoted by the useful idiots, the marxists pseudo-“ecologists”. Moreover, this satanic pernicious genocidal process is accelerated by the evil use of geoengineering technology as invisible weapon against humanity and natural environment on global scale.

[Απάτη Κορονοϊού / COVID-19 Hoax] ΗΠΑ: Ο Έλον Μασκ, Δήλωσε Πως Δεν Θα Κάνει Το Εμβόλιο Για Τον Κορονοϊό…! (Photo)

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Ο Νέος Άνθρωπος, Μετάνθρωπος Της Νέας Εποχής Και Η Lucifer-άση Των Ψηφιακών Εμβολίων Κορονοϊού…! (Videos + Photo)

Μαρία, Ἐκπαιδευτικός

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