Μύλερ Μπράντενμπουργκ: Το Κράτος Και Η Εργατική Θητεία Στην Εθνικοσοσιαλιστική Γερμανία – Muller Brandenburg: The State And Labour Service In National Socialist Germany…! (Photo)

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The State And Labour Service In National Socialist Germany

By Müller Brandenburg, Senior Labour Leader
Leader of the Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Department attached to the Reich Labour Leader


It is not easy to give the foreigner a true picture of the State Labour Service, because this is a National Socialist scheme based upon conditions such as exist in Germany only. If English readers are to form a proper judgment of it, they must first of all know something of the premises upon which its development depended.

The State Labour Service has to fulfil two great tasks, entrusted to it by the Labour Service Law, namely, an economic and an educational one.

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