DOWNLOADS: Inland Regional Apprehension Team, Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI), USA – FBI-Riverside Sherriff’s Office MOU…! #1.551 (PDF)

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ΗΠΑ: Πολιτιστική Μαρξιστική Ρητορική Μίσους Εναντίον Των Λευκών – Ο Επικεφαλής Του ADL Λέει Ότι Οι Μαύροι Και Οι Εβραίοι Πρέπει Να Συσπειρωθούν Εναντίον Των Λευκών…, Εβραίοι Παραδέχονται Ότι Ελέγχουν Τα Πάντα ~ USA: Cultural Marxist Anti-White Hate Speech – Head Of ADL Says Blacks Anad Jews Should Team-Up Aaainst Whites…, Jews Admit They Control Everything…! (Video)

[Απάτη Κλιματικής Αλλαγής / Climate Change Hoax] Πλανήτης Των Ανθρώπων ~ Planet Of Humans…! [Documentary / Ντοκυμαντέρ, Full Movie] (Videos)

The documentary film, “Planet of the Humans”, has been banned by YouTube. It is a 2019 shocking but truthful documentary that MUST be seen by everybody… The use of the so-called “green renewable energy resources”, leads our planet to absolute destruction… and finally to the certain extinction not only of humans but also of the entire animal and natural kingdom on earth! All this evil plan is promoted by the useful idiots, the marxists pseudo-“ecologists”. Moreover, this satanic pernicious genocidal process is accelerated by the evil use of geoengineering technology as invisible weapon against humanity and natural environment on global scale.

[Απάτη Προσελήνωσης / Moon Landing Hoax] ΗΠΑ: Η ΝΑΣΑ Προετοιμάζει Νέα Απάτη Προσελήνωσης ~ USA: NASA Prepares A New Moonlanding Hoax…! (Videos + Photo)

During my youth, I was a NASA’s official story believer, and then I saw the facts that made me realize they faked the moon landing, definitely.

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Το Σύστημα Χειραγωγεί Τους Αντιφρονούντες ΜέσωΕλεγχόμενης Αντιπολίτευσης ~ The System Is Manipulating The Dissidents Through Controlled Opposition…! (Videos + Photo)

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” — Vladimir Lenin

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ΗΠΑ: “The Event” – Φιλοξενούμενη, Η Συγγραφέας Και Ερευνητική Δημοσιογράφος Τζάνετ Φήλαν ~ USA: “The Event” – Guest, Author And Investigative Journalist Janet Phelan…! [12 January 2022] (Video)

Need to know news with Giuseppe Vafanculo, David Scorpio and Dr. James Fetzer with guest author and Investigative journalist Janet Phelan, where she discuss her new book, “At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of U.S. Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic” and the disturbing investigations regarding the globalist plots to poison the masses. She must have been accurate–she had to flee the United States for fear of her life..

[Απάτη Κορονοϊού / COVID-19 Hoax] ΗΠΑ: Ο Τζο Ρόγκαν Παίρνει Συνέντευξη Από Τον Δρ. Ρόμπερτ Μαλόουν ~ USA: Joe Rogan Interview Dr. Robert Malone…! [30/12/2021] (Video)

An extensive, very interesting and revealing interview.

[Απάτη Κορονοϊού / COVID-19 Hoax] ΗΠΑ: Εγκληματικός Ρατσιστικός Πολιτιστικός Μαρξισμός – Νοσοκομεία ΑΡΝΟΥΝΤΑΙ Στους ΛΕΥΚΟΥΣ Θεραπεία Για Τον Κορονοϊό Με Μονοκλωνικά Αντισώματα ~ USA: Criminal Racist Cultural Marxism – Hospitals REFUSE COVID-19 Treatment With Monoclonal Antibodies To WHITE People…! (Video + Photo)

According to criminal cultural marxism, racist discrimination against whites is NORMAL…!

“Timcast IRL” – Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, Blaire White, Michael Malice And DrewHLive Join The Crew Live…! (Video)

We don’t agree with everything was said in this discussion, but there are few interesting points.

ΗΠΑ: Υπόθεση Κάιλ Ρίτενχαους, Άλλη Μία Σκηνοθετημένη Ψυχολογική Επιχείρηση ~ USA: Kyle Rittenhouse Case, Another One Staged Psychological Operation…! (Video)

Must see 14m video. This was a staged ploy to trigger BLM, Antifa and Anti-Gun Riots to push legislation to ban guns… Pay attention to his behavior… Terrible acting, his crying was awkward and not sad. His emotions were fake and he was side by side with the judge… that doesnt happen… EVER not even with celebrities…

[Απάτη Κορονοϊού / COVID-19 Hoax] Βιετνάμ: Μηδέν Θάνατοι Μέχρι Που Άρχισε Ο Εμβολιασμός Για Τον Κορονοϊό…, Αλλά Τώρα, Υγειονομικός Στρατιωτικός Νόμος ~ Vietnam: Zero Deaths Until Vaccination Began For COVID-19…, But Medical Martial Law Now…! (Video)

ΗΠΑ – Ο Τρέβορ Λάουντον Αποκαλύπτει Τις Κομμουνιστικές Διασυνδέσεις Του Τζο Μπάιντεν Και Της Καμάλα Χάρις ~ USA – Trevor Loudon Reveals Communist Connections Of Joe Biden And Kamala Harris…! (Video)

The communists have occupied USA and are destroying US from within… Triumph of cultural marxist / commuist deep state.