Σάρλοτ Τόμσον Ίζερμπιτ: Η Παραπλανητική Εκπαίδευση Στην Αμερική ~ Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt: “The Miseducation Of America”…! (Video)

DOWNLOADS: Charles Tansill – Back Door To War, The Roosevelt Foreign Policy 1933-1941…! #889 (PDF)

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DOWNLOADS: Νίκος Ανδριώτης – Οι Πρόσφυγες: Η Άφιξη Και Τα Πρώτα Μέτρα Περίθαλψης, Η Ελλάδα Με Τους Πρόσφυγες, Αποκατάσταση, Η Αγροτική Ανάπτυξη…! #723 (PDF)

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Άντριου Κ. Χίτσκοκ: Συναγωγή Του Σατανά 1878-2006 — Andrew C. Hitchcock: Synagogue Of Satan 1878-2006…! (Full Video)

This is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive treatment of the history of Zionism, Rothschilds role in its rise and control, birth of Israel and, finally,  the genesis of a World Government, but all just previously mentioned.  After a brief run down of history from from 1880 to 1935, this covers the period from 1936 through 2006 and its been updated several times as additional information has been made available.  Some of this we knew, but to what extent and depth, we did not know, but now we do. 

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“Spingola And Friends”…! [Thursday, 3/19/2015] (Audio)

Deanna Spingola talks about the devised history of Adolf Hitler, from her book The Ruling Elite: Death, Destruction, and Domination.


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