Γκέρτρουντ Σολτζ Κλινκ — Η Θέση Των Γυναικών Στην Εθνικοσοσιαλιστική Γερμανία – Gertrud Scholtz Klink: The Place Of Women In National Socialist Germany…! (Photo)


The Place Of Women In National Socialist Germany

By Frau Gertrud Scholtz Klink
Reich Women’s Leader

When National Socialism became the ruling power in Germany (1933), we women realized that it was our duty to contribute our share to the Leader’s reconstruction programme side by side with men. We did not say much about it, but started to work at once. Our first concern was to help all those mothers who had suffered great hardships during the War and the post-war period and all those other women who – as mothers  – have now to adjust themselves to the demands of the new age.

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