Δρ. Χανς Φρήντριχ Μπλουνκ: Γερμανική Κουλτούρα Και Λογοτεχνία – Dr. Hans Friedrich Blunck: German Culture And Literature…! (Photo)


German Culture And Literature


By Dr. Hans Friedrich Blunc
Honorary President of the Reich Chamber of Literature, Member of the Reich Culture Senate and of the Senate of the Academy of Literature

At first glance it may seem strange that a poet and writer of fairy-tales has been chosen to write this article on German culture policy, when so wide a choice from among leading politicians was available. Perhaps, however, the selection was symbolic, because creative artists in Germany to-day are concerning themselves, as never before, with the rising and falling fortunes of their fellow-countrymen. Certainly that romantic age which consigned the writer to an isolated garret existence has gone for ever. If only in this respect, we, in Germany, have turned from the romantic period of Europe to the classic, when some of the great creative thinkers were also leading personalities in the State.


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