Έριχ Χίλγκενφελντ: Ο Εθνικοσοσιαλιστικός Οργανισμός Κοινωνικής Πρόνοιας Και Ο Θεσμός Χειμερινής Βοήθειας — Erich Hilgenfeldt: The National Socialist Welfare Organisation And The Winter Help Scheme…! (Photo)

TheEricH-hilgenfeldt National Socialist Welfare Organisation And The Winter Help Scheme

By Erich Hilgenfeldt

Head of the National Socialist Welfare Organisation

Everything now done in Germany is prompted by the conviction that our nation will only be able to assure its future existence if we succeed in maintaining the National Socialist regime. National Socialism is not a temporary political expedient, but rather a political creed based upon the recognition of our people’s vital necessities. If it is to remain a living force, it must be continually renewed and must be continually applied to the facts of real life. It demands of every individual German that he should be conscious of his responsibilities. Individuals, however, as well as nations, can only possess that consciousness on condition that they are strong.

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