Πολιτιστικός Μαρξισμός: Γάμοι Ανήλικων Παιδιών Εμπεριέχονται Σε Έκθεση Της Αμερικανικής Γερουσίας – Πως Το Σύστημα Μετανάστευσης Των ΗΠΑ, Ενθαρρύνει Γάμους Παιδιών ~ Cultural Marxism: Underage Child Marriages Featured In A US Senate Report – How U.S. Immigration System Encourages Child Marriages…! (PDF + Photo)

By Catherine J. Frompovich

Probably one of the more ‘rabid’ topics in the USA, if not in the world today, is immigration and the apparent ‘infusion’ by immigrants who have a need to establish their former mores, cultures, lifestyles, and even archaic laws anathema to the U.S. legal system, as part of the United States milieu.

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