Το Ολοκαύτωμα: Ένα Εργαλείο Λευκής Ενοχής ~ The Holocaust: An Instrument Of White Guilt…! (Video)


The holocaust has been elevated above all other historical occurrences and is treated as an unquestionable truth – movies, books and documentaries are churned out on an industrial basis and the holocaust even has a dedicated international day of remembrance. Yet communist mass killings and genocides are largely ignored or even unheard of in the West despite the fact that communism has killed over a 100 million people. I examine the political and social reasons for this and lay bare the hypocrisy and double standards employed by the establishment when it comes to genocide.

Γολοντομόρ: Η Μυστική Απάνθρωπη Γενοκτονία Του Στάλιν ~ Holodomor: Stalin’s Secret Inhuman Genocide…! (Video + Photo)

Ο Απάνθρωπος Κομμουνισμός Και Ο Εβραϊκός Ρόλος Στον Μπολσεβικισμό ~ The Inhuman Communism And The Jewish Role In Bolshevism…! (Video)

We’re relentlessly told that we must “never forget” the “Six Million” victims of Hitler and the Nazis. But we hear far less about the vastly greater number of victims of Lenin and Stalin, and the grim legacy of Soviet Communism. Some 20 million people perished as victims of the Soviet regime, historians acknowledge. Jews played a decisive role in founding and promoting the egalitarian-universalist ideology of Marxism, in developing the Marxist political movement, and in brutally establishing Bolshevik rule in Russia. With the notable exception of Lenin, who was one-quarter Jewish, most of the leading Marxists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews, including Trotsky, Sverdlov, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Radek. The Bolshevik killing of Russia’s imperial family is symbolic of the tragic fate of Russia and, indeed, of the entire West.

Bitter Harvest…! [Official Trailer – Ukrainian Subs / Yкраїнські Cубтитри] (Videos)

Εβραϊκός Μπολσεβικισμός – Η Ιστορία Που Δεν Σου Λένε Στο Σχολείο ~ Jewish Bolshevism – History They Don’t Teach You In School…! (Video)


ΜΜΕ Του Σιωνιστικού Ρωσικού Κράτους: “Το Γολοντομόρ Ουδέποτε Συνέβη, Η Άρνηση Του Εβραϊκού Ολοκαυτώματος Πρέπει Να Είναι Παράνομη ~ Zionist Russian State Media: “Holodomor Never Happened, Jewish Holocaust Denial Should Be Illegal”…! (Photos)


Welcome to the wacky, and increasingly maniacal, world of Kremlin double think. When Vladimir Putin passed a law in 2014 proscribing “Holocaust denial” and “Nazi revisionist tactics,” the ex-KGB thug’s controlled media shamelessly announced the new thought control measures as if it were a great victory.

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