Ουκρανία: Κίεβο – “Θα Πάρω Ένα Ξύλο Και Θα Κτυπήσω”, Ο Φιλορώσος Κομμουνιστής Πράκτορας Της KGB Οικουμενιστής Ηγούμενος Παύλος, Απείλησε Τον Δημοσιογράφο Γιαν Ντομπρονόσοφ ~ Ukaine: Kiev – “I Will Take A Stick And Beat”: Pro-Russian Communist KGB Agent Ecumenist Abbot Pavlo, Threatened Journalist Ian Dobronosov ~ Україна: Київ – “Візьму палку і побью”, Проросійський комуніст Агент КДБ Екуменіст Митрополит Павло, погрожував журналісту Яну Доброносову…! (Videos + Photo)

Surrounded by supporters, Metropolitan Pavlo, the pro-russian KGB communist ecumenist abbot of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and Metropolitan of the Abbot Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP), has threatened journalists with violence… and prevented them from doing their work.

The journalist also asked Pavlo to say that Russia attacked Ukraine, but he remained silent. One clergyman also violently pushed away and pounced on one of the journalists, as well as damaged a reporter’s camera.

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