Ρωσία – Ο Σιωνιστής Ιλλουμινάτι Σατανιστής Αλεξάντερ Ντούγκιν Είναι Πολιτιστικός Μαρξιστής…, Δεν Πιστεύει Στην Βιολογική Ύπαρξη Άνδρα Και Γυναίκας… και Επιπλέον Υποστηρίζει Την Φυλετική Επιμειξία Και Τον Κανιβαλισμό…, Συγκεκριμένα Ισχυρίζεται: “Το Φύλο Είναι Ένα Κοινωνική Κατασκεύασμα, Δεν Είναι Κάτι Βιολογικό, Διότι Δεν Πιστεύω Στη Βιολογία….” ~ Russia – Zionist Illuminati Satanist Aleksander Dugin Is A Cultural Marxist…, Because He Does Not Believe In The Biological Existence Of Male And Female… And Moreover Supports Racial Mixing And Cannibalism…, Specifically He Claims: “Gender Is A Social Construct, There Is Nothing Biological, Because I Don’t Believe In Biology…”…! (Videos + Photos)

In 2018, Zionist Oligarch Jew Vladimir Putin made gender change easier. Medical procedures are no longer required to legally change gender based on objective medical documentation.

Anti-White Communist KGB agent, Zionist Illuminati Satanist, Cultural Marxist Crypro-Jew Aleksander Dugin is pro-Cannibalism and pro-Androgyn…!

Aleksander Dugin also gave an interview to that French-Canadian guy (who has a strange fetish for retard girls), telling him that he hates fascism, racialism and white nationalism…! 

So that proves he remains a pure Judeo-Bolshevik an internationalist. A Russian globalist who wants to race-mix us with nomadic mongolian peoples from the Siberian Steppes and from Africa.

Now, ask yourslef, how is it possible to exist true white dissidents… who support, follow or be connectd with Zionist Illuminati Satanist Anti-White Kabbalist Cultural Marxist Crypto-Jew Aleksander Dugin…?

All above Individuals, groups and / or organizations…, having close ties to Zionist Illuminati Satanist Cultural Marxist Anti-White Communist Cannibalist Kabbalist Crypto-Jew Aleksander Dugin.

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