[Απάτη Κορονοϊού / COVID-19 Hoax] Αγγλία: Πολιτιστικό Μαρξιστικό Αστυνομικό Κράτος – Διαδηλωτές Εναντίον Των Περιορισμών Κορονοϊού Και Των Αναγκαστικών Εμβολιασμών, Συγκρούονται Με Την Αστυνομία Στο Λονδίνο ~ England: Cultural Marxist Police State – Protesters Against COVID-19 Restrictions And Forced Vaccinations, Clash With Police In London…! (Videos + Photo)

On June 21st was to be Freedom day in the UK, when COVID-19 restrictions where to end, but…

ATTN Alberta: The one thing you know about freedom day, is you won’t get freedom given to you by the people who took it away. Below, police and regular people clash in what increasingly looks like the Stanford Prison experiment or even the Milgram experiment. 

The police are tasked with controlling people guilty of nothing except expecting to get the most basic rights and freedoms back from their elected representatives, who instead, in that Stanford Prison experiment way, sick their peers on the masses with instructions to treat them like Untermensch and misbehaving prisoners.

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