Πολιτιστικό Μαρξιστικό Αστυνομικό Κράτος: Ο Σουηδός Δημοσιογράφος Γκούναρ Σαντελίν, Αναφέρεται Λεπτομερώς Μέσω Διαφανειών Στην Αυτοκτονία Και Την Κομμουνιστική Τυραννία Που Διενεργείται Από Την Σοσιαλιστική Κυβέρνηση ~ Cultural Marxist Polie State: Swedish Journalist Gunnar Sandelin Refers In Details Through Slides On Suicide And Communist Tyranny Perpetrated By Socialist Government…! [English Subtitles] (Videos + Photo)

Swedish journalist and acclaimed author Gunnar Sandelin delivered a shocking speech on 3rd world immigration and its detrimental effects on Scandinavia. The renowned journalist was one of the first mainstream figures in Sweden to be ostracized, fired, and banned from his profession for exposing official government figures on migration.

The past fall Sandelin was given the Sappho Award by the Danish Free Press Society (Trykkefrihedsselskabet) in Copenhagen. The following video features Mr. Sandelin’s powerful acceptance speech, along with an eye-opening slideshow presentation detailing the effects of Sweden’s suicidal open border policies.

The graphs, facts and figures he uses, although official and from the Swedish and Danish left-wing governments, have become dangerous to use and often result in losing your job, being harassed, and even arrested for “thought crimes”. Furthermore, the media and government brand citizens, among other terms, as xenophobic, Islamophobic, far-right, fascist, racist, sexist, and homophobic.

Sandelin details how immigration is being used as a weapon against entire peoples, cultures and even the histories of those peoples. Swedes are told “we should be ashamed of being Swedes and ashamed of being white”, states Sandelin. Meanwhile, the Swedish government increases its controls over the flow of information using devices like “hate speech laws”. Furthermore, the government controls the media and creates misinformation departments to mislead the public, as Gunnar demonstrates when he discusses the Swedish government’s immigration propaganda.

Watch Gunnar Sandelin’s shocking speech:

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