Ουκρανία: Η Κατάσταση Των Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων Στην Κατεχόμενη Κριμαία ~ Ukraine: Human Rights Situation In Occupied Crimea…! (Video)

[Κάλαντα] ♫ Αρχιμηνιά Κι Αρχιχρονιά…! ♫ (Video)

[Secret History] Περλ Χάρμπορ, Τα Νέα Στοιχεία ~ Pearl Harbour, The New Evidence…! [Documentary / Ντοκυμαντέρ] (Video – Full Movie)

Seventy-five years on from the attack on Pearl Harbour, questions remain about how the world’s most powerful nation was caught by surprise. This Secret History documentary reveals new insight into what Washington knew before the attack, and whether Churchill and Roosevelt conspired to allow it to happen. Within the space of two hours, the devastating assault by Japanese forces left nearly 2500 people dead and 19 ships destroyed or damaged. An investigation ordered by President Roosevelt found Admiral Husband Kimmel, Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet, guilty of dereliction of duty. With his career in ruins, Kimmel became a broken man. But was he really to blame? Now, new research reveals what Washington knew prior to the attack and uncovers a crucial dossier that could have prevented it.

Βέτο Από Τη Βουλγαρία Στην Ένταξή Των Σκοπίων Σε ΝΑΤΟ-ΕΕ: “Δεν Συμφωνούμε Με Το ‘Βόρεια Μακεδονία'”…! (Photo)

«Βόμβα» από την Βουλγαρία για την Συμφωνία των Πρεσπών.

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Ο Γκόντφρι Μπλουμ Στο Ευρωκοινοβούλιο Εκστομεί Την Αλήθεια Για Την Φορολογία Και Την Αφορολόγητη Διεφθαρμένη Γραφειοκρατία Της Ευρωπαϊκής ένωσης ~ Godfrey Bloom Im EU Parlament Speaks Out The Truth About Tazation And The Tax Free Corrupted EU Beaurocracy…! [German Subtitles] (Video)

Για Πρώτη Φορά Στο Φως Της Δημοσιότητας Βίντεο Ντοκουμέντο Με Καταδίωξη Μοτοσυκλέτας Από Ελικόπτερο Της ΕΛΑΣ…! (Video)

Τα Χρόνια Περνούσαν Και Ο Αετός Έμαθε Να Ζει Σαν Κότα…! (Photo)

Τα χρόνια περνούσαν και ο αετός έμαθε να ζει σαν κότα…

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Deutsche Bank Is Done! Is This The Lehman Brothers 2.0…? (Video)

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the continued crash of Deutsche Bank as the once major bank is shrunken down to the size of a small lender. With a market capitalization of only a quarter of Santander’s, Deutsche Bank has seen better times. Their share value continuously hits record lows as the bank is forced to redo a living will for the Federal Reserve, is caught up in multiple scandals, has a massive derivative exposure and lays off 10% of its staff. The bank has attempted over and over again to rebrand themselves but they are simply preparing for the inevitable at this point. The day they close their doors. The crash of Deutsche Bank will be a domino effect felt around the world. A much larger crash than that of the Lehman Brothers with a radius of contagion much larger as well. We at WAM have been warning of the crash of Deutsche Bank for 3 years while everyone pretended that the bank will certainly prevail and make a comeback. Well, it doesn’t look like that’s happening in our lifetime. As the stock market continues to be shaken up by years of investor confidence and speculation, followed by uncertainty and a realization that it has no real fundamental value, this is a shock that is sending panic around the world as the everything bubble bursts. So it won’t just be Germany and the United States. This will be most countries in the world that will deal with this coming down turn.

10 Different Types Of Earthly Biomes…! (Photo)

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Μητροπολίτης Γόρτυνος Και Μεγαλοπόλεως Ιερεμίας: Κυριακή Μετά Την Γέννηση Του Χριστού – Ο Ναζωραίος…! (Photo)




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Βίντεο-Σοκ Από Γαλλία: 22χρονος Διαδηλωτής Πολύ Σοβαρά Τραυματισμένος, Διακομίστηκε Στο Νοσοκομείο Σε Κρίσιμη Κατάσταση…! (Videos + Photos)

Γαλλία: Το “Κίτρινο Γιλέκο” Στην Έβδομη Εβδομάδα Διαμαρτυριών ~ France: “Yellow Vest” In Seventh Week Of Protests…! (Videos)

‘Yellow Vest’ protests turned violent on Saturday as protesters hit the streets of Paris for the seventh week in a row.