Η Ιρλανδική Κυβέρνηση “Πλήρωσε Τον Τύπο” Να Προωθήσει Σχέδιο Αύξησης Του Πληθυσμού Κατά Ένα Εκατομμύριο Με Μαζική Λαθρομετανάστευση ~ Irish Government “Paid Press” To Promote Plan To Grow Population By One Million With Mass Migration…! (Photo)

The Irish government has been slammed for paying journalists to write good news stories about Project Ireland 2040.

Unveiled by the government last week with a commitment to spend €116 billion, the document outlines plans to boost the Irish nation’s 4.7 million population by another million using mass migration.

The government’s strategic communications unit paid for sponsored “news pieces” to appear in national and regional newspapers promoting Ireland 2040, which “could not include negative or critical content”, The Times reported on Friday.


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