Αγαθά Του Πολυπολιτισμικού Εμπλουτισμού: Σουηδέζα Φεμινίστρια Και Αμερικανός Πολίτης Σε Κονβόι Των Ηνωμένων Εθνών, Που Υποστήριζαν “Ανοικτά Σύνορα”, Αποκεφαλίστηκαν Στο Κονγκό ~ Swedish Feminist And US Citizen In UN Convoy Who Supported “Open Borders”, Beheaded In Congo…! (Video + Photo)

Diversity is our greatest strength. Or in this case, it’s our greatest weakness after a Swedish Green Party politician who considered herself as being “brave and groundbreaking” by touting policies of “Open-Borders” has her life cut short, literally.

36-year-old Zaida Catalán, both a member of the Swedish Green Party and a rising star of the virtue signaling leftist organization known as the Young Green of Sweden, has a history of pushing policies that benefit globalism and feminism including that of “Open-Borders”.


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