Ουκρανία: Ο Κομμουνιστής Αποσχιστής Επικεφαλής Των Κατειλημμένων Περιοχών Του Ντονέτσκ, Ανακηρύσσει Νέο “Κράτος” Με Την Ονομασία Μάλαρωσία (Μικρή Ρωσία) ~ Ukraine: Communist Separatist Head Of Donetsk Occupied Areas Proclaims New “State” Of Malorossiya…! (Video)

Communist separatist head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Alexander Zakharchenko, declared the creation of a new “state” within the territory of Ukraine which would include not only the Donestsk occupied areas but reportedly 19 regions including Crimea. During a press statement from Donetsk on Tuesday.

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