Σουηδία: Αντιρατσιστής Διευθυντής Τηλεοπτικού Σταθμού Ξυλοκοπήθηκε Αγρίως Από Μουσουλμάνους Λαθρομετανάστες Εισβολείς, Επειδή “Έμοιαζε Με Τον κ. Τραμπ” ~ Sweden: Antiracist TV Chef Brutally Beaten By Muslim Immigrants Invaders Βecause He “Looked Like Mr. Trump”…! (Photo)


Anders Vendel, a famous chef, restaurant owner and TV star from Malmö, Sweden, was savagely beaten by three “Muslim” men because they thought he looked like “Mr. Trump”, Sydsvenskan reports.

In a Facebook post that was later removed, Mr. Vendel – who is a well-known anti-Racist figure and a star of the TV show “The Struggle of the Chefs”– described the brutal assault that took place early Saturday morning in a late-night fast food restaurant in Malmö.


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