Ματ Μπράκεν: Το Υβριδικό Σφρίγος Του Επερχόμενου Ευρωπαϊκού Ισλαμικού Κράτους ~ Matt Bracken: The Hybrid Vigor Of The Coming European Islamic State…! (Photos)


The following essay and meme by Matthew Bracken were prompted by a cell-phone video from Germany of a culture-enricher assaulting a German teenaged boy. I won’t embed the video; I find it almost too unbearable to watch. To see a young man so unable to defend himself, so unwilling to stand up and be a man, is disheartening and dismaying.

Below are Matt Bracken’s thoughts on what all of this means.

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♫ Γερμανοί Σύντροφοι ~ German Comrades ~ Deutsche Kameraden…! ♫ (Video)

DOWNLOADS: Ουίλλιαμ Σαίξπηρ – Ο Βασιλεύς Ληρ…! #447 (PDF)

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Αναφορά: Η Σουηδική Αστυνομία Δικαιολογεί Τους Βιασμούς Από Λαθρομετανάστες, Κατηγορεί Την “Βόρεια Κουλτούρα Του Αλκοόλ” Και Την “Άγνοια” ~ Report: Swedish Police Excuse Migrant Rapes, Blame “Nordic Alcohol Culture” And “Ignorance”…! (Photos)


A Swedish police report into rape and sexual assault committed by migrants has blamed “Nordic alcohol culture,” “ignorance” and the “non-traditional gender roles” of European women for the growing problem.

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Ήταν Πραγματικά Όραμα Του Αδόλφου Χίτλερ Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση; ~ Was Really Adolf Hitler’s Dream The European Union…? (Photos)


Setting The Record Straight On The So-Called E.U.

One cannot completely and totally oppose the EU, without mentioning its anti-European agenda, the origins of which are undeniably and self-evidently Jewish, as are the staunchest promoters of a dysgenic, anti-European: ‘United States of Europe’, today and historically.

– Quote taken from ‘A conclusive report on the undeniable & self-evident Jewish creation of the EU’ by Asatro News (2014).

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DOWNLOADS: Φρήντριχ Νίτσε – Πέρα Από Το Καλό Και Το Κακό…! #446 (PDF)

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Άρια Αισθητική – Aryan Aesthetics #202 (Photo)

Willy Knabe_kn22

Έργο του Willy Knabe