Οι Διαφορετικοί Τύποι Αντι-Λευκών Ρατσιστών ~ The Different Types Of Anti-Whites Racists…! (Videos + Photos)

  • different-antiwhites Racists


We have already written about the anti-White mindset, where we define who is anti-White or not, as well as different ways to tell if someone is anti-White. However, many people forget that antiwhitism can come from anywhere or anyone. Anti-Whites are not a collective or a specific group of people. They can come from completely different backgrounds and ideologies or cultures, and more often than not being anti-White is the only common denominator.

The anti-White mindset can manifest itself in any ideology, as this article will aim to show you. Listed below are the different types of anti-Whites. Note that some of them may at first glance  seem to go hand in hand, as their underlying mindset is the same, but they differ in terms of how they express themselves. They might even be anti-White for seemingly different reasons on a conscious level but they all share the same subconscious anti-White core belief system, which is that we Whites are essentially evil and that the world would be a better place without us.

Note, however, that these categories listed below do not mean that all people belonging to these groups are anti-White. There are for example many pro-Whites who are Christians or capitalists etc. However, people with an anti-White mindset can be categorized into these categories.



The Liberal/Socialist anti-White Racism

This is perhaps one of the most common types of anti-Whites today. They are at least certainly the ones being heard the most in media and in the political debate in most Western countries.

Like all anti-Whites, they have a subconscious goal to do away with White people. But on their conscious level, their main argument is typically that they want to help refugees, no matter the costs and no matter the consequences. In their conscious world, they are not anti-Whites who want to do away with White people. They are in their own eyes good people who want to help people in need. They believe, or at least claim, that diversity is a strength and that we must have diversity for the sake of having diversity. “Diversity” of course meaning less White people, as only White areas, schools, workplaces etc. are considered to need more “diversity”.

The fact that we are becoming a minority in our own countries and the fact that there are many ways to help people that do not have to lead to a world without White people do not interest them. As a matter of fact, they would most likely consider it to be a good thing.



The Marxist/Communist anti-White Racism

This category of Anti-Whites is very similar to the liberal/socialist type, the difference being that they are typically a more extreme version of the above. They use similar arguments for open borders, which are often empathic. They want everything for everybody. “No human is illegal” is a common justification for White genocide/open borders.

They tend to be more prone to violence than the other anti-White types, at the very least they have a much more aggressive rhetoric than other anti-Whites as they are often very open with their anti-White hatred.

Anti-White and marxist Harvard professor Noel Ignatiev is a good example of this category. Notice how blunt he is.

Anti-Whites belonging to this category are often more consciously anti-White compared to other types which are anti-White on a more subconscious level.

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The Religious anti-White Racism

Many would think that muslims are the obvious representatives of this category, since we have a contemporary threat of radical muslim groups and terrorists such as the ISIS, and many muslims certainly have a genuine hatred of the Western World and our cultures, not least the USA. And sure enough, many muslims hate Westerners. But muslims are typically not anti-White, they are usually just pro-Islam. Or anti-Christians/infidels. Since their hatred for the West is mainly cultural- and religion based, and not race based, their core belief system is not anti-White in itself.


The pope is known for promoting open border policies into White countries. Lately he stirred up a debate as he confronted Trump’s idea to build a wall at the Mexican border.

Instead, anti-Whites belonging to this group are more often than not Christians since they belong to the dominant religion in the Western World, and for the past decades leading churches and Christian leaders have promoted anti-White ideals. “What refugees would Jesus send back?” is a common justification for more non-stop immigration among anti-White Christians. They typically say that it is about love and building bridges, but consequently their arguments still leads to a world without White people.

Their arguments are quite similar to the ones used by the liberal/socialist anti-Whites in order to justify an open border policy. It is just that they tend to mix religion into their arguments.

Anti-White Zionists, such as Barbara Spectre, who frequently and aggressively demand open borders for White countries (but not for Israel) falls into this category as well. They are quite similar to the marxist type in their approach, as they are very blunt with what they want.



The Libertarian/Capitalist anti-White Racism

There are many people who benefit financially on the current immigration policies in the West. By opening our borders and importing a lot of Third Worlders, it will increase the number of unemployed people who are more willing to work for less. A person from the Third World is probably happy, or at least used to, a lower salary than most people here in West, which results in cheaper labour and workforce for the anti-White capitalist.

Other ways anti-White capitalists benefit from our genocide is to invest in the so called “Asylum industry”. They buy up property, even mansions, and rent them out to the state to house non-white immigrants, earning hefty profits in the process.

Despite all the schemes and scams, the main motivation for the anti-White capitalist is to achieve cheap labour, or rather to earn money. This makes them stand out from the other types, as they are not ideologically anti-White the same way for example the liberal/marxist anti-Whites are.  They often claim it is “good for the economy”, or that it will “boost our economy” in order to justify these policies.


The Conservative anti-White Racism

This category might surprise some of you, why should conservatives be on this list? Well, the fact of the matter is, not all people with an anti-White mindset are members of the political left. Many in the political right want to appear “respectable” to the leftist establishment and to the mass media in hopes of winning approval.

Some believe that these conservatives are not what they appear to be, that they are in reality pro-White with hidden pro-White agendas. Regardless of their agenda however, their arguments are still anti-White. Respectable conservatives typically claim that they are against the current immigration policies because of the reason it is “going too fast”. They want to limit immigration so that the immigrants who are already here in our countries can be more easily integrated and assimilated before we take in more immigrants.


Mattias Karlsson from the Sweden Democrats is a typical example of an anti-White conservative as he is known for eliminating popular party  competitors and taking on a fraudulent “anti-racist approach”.


So there you have it, the most common anti-White types. Although they are seemingly different to one and other and use different arguments, they all favor more immigration, integration and assimilation. They all favor a policy that leads to us Whites becoming a minority in our countries.  In other words, they all support policies leading to White genocide.

Note that these expressions used by these different categories of anti-Whites are on a conscious level, but subconsciously they all share the same anti-White belief system.

We will explore and present more of the difference between their subconscious and conscious way of thinking in a future article.


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