Το Πλουσιότερο Ένα Τοις Εκατό Κατέχει Περισσότερο Από Το Μισό Του Παγκόσμιου Πλούτου – Richest One Per Cent Owns More Than Half The World’s Wealth…! (PDF + Photo)


Bill Gates is worth $85bn Getty

A stark report highlighting the gross inequality between the world’s richest and poorest has revealed the top 1 per cent of the global population now holds half its wealth.

The Credit Suisse Wealth Report found that the bottom half of adults owned less than one per cent of world’s total wealth while the richest 10 per cent held 87.7 per cent of it.

To be in the wealthiest half of the world’s adult population, Credit Suisse calculated an individual would need $3,210. To be in the richest 10 per cent, they would need


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