Θωρακισμένοι Μέσω Της Αλήθειας – Shielded By Truth…! (Video)

DOWNLOADS: Κνουτ Χάμσουν – Ο Παν…! #109 (PDF)

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103 Χρόνια Αργότερα, Η Wall Street Έγινε Όπως Ακριβώς Ένας Άνθρωπος Προέβλεψε – 103 Years Later, Wall Street Turned Out Just As One Man Predicted…! (Photos + PDF)

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In 1910, three years before the US Federal Reserve was founded, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Frank Vanderlip of National City (Citibank), Henry Davison of Morgan Bank, and Paul Warburg of the Kuhn, Loeb Investment House met secretly at Jekyll Island in Georgia to formulate a plan for a US central bank just years ahead of World War I.

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Άρια Αισθητική – Aryan Aesthetics #93 (Photo)

Hans M. Friedmann_01_SMALL_ourlittleponzischeme1-2

Έργο του Hans M. Friedmann

DOWNLOADS: Δημήτριος Δημόπουλος – Η Νέα Τάξις…! #108 (PDF)

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Άντριου Κ. Χίτσκοκ: Συναγωγή Του Σατανά 1878-2006 — Andrew C. Hitchcock: Synagogue Of Satan 1878-2006…! (Full Video)

This is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive treatment of the history of Zionism, Rothschilds role in its rise and control, birth of Israel and, finally,  the genesis of a World Government, but all just previously mentioned.  After a brief run down of history from from 1880 to 1935, this covers the period from 1936 through 2006 and its been updated several times as additional information has been made available.  Some of this we knew, but to what extent and depth, we did not know, but now we do. 

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Του Δευτέρου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου Του Κόκκινου Στρατού Το Όργιο Τρόμου Του Βιασμού Χειρότερο Από Το Αναμενόμενο – The Red Army’s WWII Horror Orgy Of Rape Worse Than Thought…! (Photo)


By Daniel Johnson

The Red Army’s orgy of rape in the dying days of Nazi Germany was conducted on a much greater scale than previously suspected, according to a new book by the military historian Anthony Beevor.

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Ο Έζρα Πάουντ Και Ο Αποκρυφισμός – Ezra Pound And The Occult…!



By Brian Ballentine

In 1907, when Ezra Pound was still teaching Romance languages at Wabash College in Indiana, he completed the poem “In Durance”:

I am homesick after mine own kind
And ordinary people touch me not.
Yea, I am homesick
After mine own kind that know, and feel
And have some breath for beauty and the arts (King 86).

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DOWNLOADS: Κώστας Πλεύρης – Ας Μιλήσουμε Για Εβραίους…! #107 (PDF)



Είναι Ο Έλι Βιζέλ Μία Απάτη; – Is Elie Wiesel A Fraud…? (Videos)

Elie Wiesel has told us for over 50 years that he was tattooed at Auschwitz in 1944, and that his tattoo number is A7713. He has repeatedly said that he still has this original tattoo on his arm. Just last March in Dayton, Ohio, Elie met with the press, high school and college students, and 2300 members of the local community. As reported in the Dayton Daily News , one student asked Wiesel if he still has his concentration camp number and if it serves as a reminder of those terrible experiences. “I don’t need that to remember, I think about my past every day,” he responded. “But I still have it on my arm – A7713. At that time, we were numbers. No names, no identity.”

More: Where is Elie’s Tattoo?

Άρια Αισθητική – Aryan Aesthetics #92 (Photo)

Giulio Bertoletti_bertoletti01

Έργο του Giulio Bertoletti

DOWNLOADS: Κυριάκος Διακογιάννης – Το Πανέρι Με Τις Οχιές…! #106 (PDF)

Διαβάστε το εδώ: ΤΟ ΠΑΝΕΡΙ ΜΕ ΤΙΣ ΟΧΙΕΣ

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