DOWNLOADS: Γκουστάβ Λε Μπον – Η Ψυχολογία Των Επαναστάσεων…! #30 (PDF)

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Άρια Αισθητική – Aryan Aesthetics #37 (Photo)

Justin Zimmerman_3

Έργο του Justin Zimmerman

Δρ. Εντουάρντ Σπράνγκερ: Η Πολιτική Προσωπικότητα Ως Στόχος Της Εκπαίδευσης – Dr. Eduard Spranger: The Political Personality As An Aim Of Education

The Political Personality As An Aim Of Education


By Dr. Eduard Spranger


The historical development of civilised humanity may be compared to a river which but seldom fills the entire breadth of its bed. According to the fall of the ground it drives the bulk of its energy now to this side, now to that; sometimes whole stretches of land between the two banks remain unwashed by the waters; then again it presses forward with might and main, making use of all its possibilities towards expansion.

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Ο Αδόλφος Χίτλερ Ενάντια Στην Νέα Παγκόσμια Τάξη – Adolf Hitler vs The New World Order…! (Video)

Ιούλιος Έβολβα: Χίτλερ Και Μυστικές Εταιρείες — Julius Evola: Hitler And The Secret Societies…! (Photo)


Hitler Αnd Τhe Secret Societies

by Julius Evola

(from Il Conciliatore, no. 10, 1971; translated from the German edition in Deutsche Stimme, no. 8, 1998)

It is remarkable that some authors in France have researched the relationship of German National Socialism to secret societies and initiatic organizations. The motivation for this was the supposed occult background of the Hitler movement. This thesis was first proposed in the well-known and very far-fetched book by Pauwels and Bergier, “Le Matin des Magiciens” (English ed., “The Dawn of Magic”), in which National Socialism was defined as the union of “magical thinking” with technology. The expression used for this was “Tank divisions plus René Guénon”: a phrase that might well have caused that eminent representative of traditional thought and esoteric disciplines to turn indignantly in his grave.

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Γκέρι Φρέντερικς – Μία Ανάλυση Περί Τον Αδόλφο Χίτλερ — Gerry Frederics – An Analysis About Adolf Hitler…! (Photo)



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Άντονι Μ. Λούντοβιτσι – Ο Χαμένος Νιτσεϊκός Φιλόσοφος — Anthony M. Ludovici – The Lost Nietzschean Philosopher…! (Video)